After getting critical acknowledgement for his debut Bollywood film Prague`, music director Atif Afzal has now impressed the masses alike with his impeccable music skills. He composed music for recently released Shreyas Talpade Starrer Marathi film Baji` for which he is getting lots of appreciation from the viewers and Atif is happy that being a non - Maharashtrian he has managed to impress the Marathi listeners. Not only this but he has got praises for his Background Score for the superhero flick.

Source says, "Atif is getting lots of Facebook Requests, fan mails and calls from the audiences praising him for the music, he is shocked with the response, as to get so much love from the Marathi crowd not only for his music, but also praising him for his singing talent after listening to song Shravan Shravan` and are demanding him to compose more Marathi songs."

So after composing hit numbers for Marathi films like Pune - 52` and Baji` it wont be wrong to say that we will soon get to hear more music composed by this young composer in forthcoming Marathi movies.

Atif is currently gearing up for his next release which is Monsoon Shootout` produced by Guneet Monga and Anurag Kashyap and Hollywood flick titled Somewhere Quiet`.

After getting critical acknowledgement for his debut Bollywood film 'Prague', music director Atif Afzal has now impressed the masses alike with his impeccable music skills. He composed music for recently released Shreyas Talpade Starrer Marathi film 'Baji' for which he is getting lots of appreciation from the viewers and Atif is happy that being a non - Maharashtrian he has managed to impress the