Here's why Nargis Fakhri was away from Bollywood for a while

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,March 29 2022]

Fame and glory of being a Bollywood star comes with a few downsides as well. Several celebs often find it difficult to handle work related stress and disassociation from the society. Actress Nargis Fakhri recently revealed that few years back, she had to take a break from her Bollywood career (which was on a steady rise) in order to focus on her mental health.

Nargis, who has been a part of films like 'Rockstar', 'Main Tera Hero', 'Azhar' and several others, told TOI that despite having a successful career, she was unhappy and overworked. This led her to take a break in order to clear her head.

She stated, Somewhere down the line, I realised that I was overworked and stressed. I missed my family and friends. I remember that 2016-2017 was a period of realisation for me. I felt that I wasn’t doing things that made me happy. I did films back-to-back and thought there was just too much happening, and I needed to stop. I felt the need to pause to balance my mind and body. And that’s when I took the step.

Bollywood is a place of cutthroat competition where taking such breaks can effectively ruin your career. However, Nargis wasn't unaware of this fact. She said, Once in a while, it is important for the sake of your mental and physical health to take a break. I know that in the industry, actors, their managers, and even PR agencies tell you that you have to be more visible and that if you take a break for too long, people tend to forget you. I think there is a lot of fear in the minds of the artistes who don’t want to lose what they have worked hard for. My perspective is, you never lose, especially when you take time out for yourself, for self-care, and to introspect. Instead, you actually win when you do that.