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Karunaas croons for Larencce

Thursday, September 25, 2008 • Tamil Comments
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It is a known fact that comedian Karunaas is also a good singer of rustic tunes. In his very first role as the famous 'Lodukku Pandi' in the film 'Nanda', Karunaas had displayed his talent as a good singer in performing scenes.

Latest news is that Karunaas will be singing a song along with his wife Grace for the film 'Rajathi Raja' that stars Larencce along with Snigtha, Kamna, Meenakshi and Samiksha. The song 'Kathirikka….Kathirikka' is expected to be a fast number and Larencce along with Snigtha will dance to its tunes.

Obviously the highly talented Larencce will choreograph the song.

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