104 year old scientist's birthday wish is to die

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 04 2018]

An 104 year old scientist from Australia has stated that his birthday wish was to die. Not only that he also plans to go to Switzerland to end his life as he greatly regrets living to his advanced age.

David Goodall is a botanist and ecologist who plans to go to Life Circle clinic in Basel accompanied by a nurse from Exit International(a pro euthanasia organisation). “No I'm not happy. I want to die... It's not sad particularly, what is sad is if one is prevented,” he said.

Goodall who was born in 1914, is a respected professor and held important academic positions all over the world. It is also worth mentioning here that he is an advocate of assisted dying for those those people who have chosen to end their lives voluntarily.

It should be noted that euthanasia is illegal in Australia.