16 year old girl allegedly raped by three priests

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 05 2019]

The mother of a sixteen-year-old girl has lodged a complaint accusing three priests of sexually assaulting and raping her daughter. The complaint was lodged at the Narasimha Raju Police Station in Mysuru against Sebastian, Bennet Amman and Joshua Amman hailing from Mangalore.

It is said that the priests promised 1 lakh rupees to the mother to help her build a house and used the pretext of giving the girl a job. But apparently from mid Decemeber 2018 she was made to do household chores and was physically abused as well apart from the rape and was not allowed to go out of the house. Investigations are underway and if found guilty the men would be arrested according to the police sources.