'2.0', 'Robot' & Bollywood's bad luck

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 21 2017]

One of Aamir Khan's latest statement is that he was offered to play the lead role in Shankar's '2.0'. However, the 'Dangal' superstar rejected the offer as he felt that only Rajinikanth would be able to pull it off. Rest, as they say, is history-in-making.

One is reminded of what Aamir's contemporary had done with respect to 'Robot', the other Shankar-Rajini magnum opus of the same variety. SRK, said many reports of the time, walked out of the project as he felt that it was half-baked. (Even if the "half-baked" thing is inaccurate, as many suggest, the fact remains that SRK missed a film that would later become one of the biggest hits ever).

That 'Robot' and '2.0' eventually gave a miss to Bollywood is the film industry's bad luck and South cinema's fortune. Come 25 January 2018, we will know if '2.0' is our next 'Baahubali'.