'2.0' to have bigger release in AP/TS

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 20 2018]

2Point0' will reportedly be out in more number of screens in AP and Telangana than in Tamil Nadu. The magnum opus in Telugu will give a good run for the money to the Tamil version at the All-India Box office, an analyst writes. The pre-release business for the Telugu version is said to be more than Rs. 75 Cr.

This Shankar-Rajinikanth entertainer will have the biggest release for an Indian movie in the Overseas territories (in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi put together). With Superstar and Akshay Kumar complementing each other from Canada to Malaysia, it's going to be a record release everywhere, a BO analyst says.

The sci-fi will be released by Lyca Productions itself in Tamil Nadu on advance basis. As such, it will get guaranteed prime showcasing in all main collection centers of the state (till the Dec 20/21 releases arrive in Kollywood). 3D special screens will give it a long run for sure, the analyst adds.

Full details of the number of screens in which '2.0' will be out is yet to become official. The film will hit the screens on November 29.