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35/100 Just Pass Review

Review by IndiaGlitz [ Saturday, March 27, 2010 • Telugu ]
35/100 Just Pass Review
Vikram Joshi, Shwetha, Raghu, Manojava, Shanker, Kiran, Ranganath, Chitra Shekar, Jagadish, Bhopal, Mangalore Harshitha
Deepak H T
Santosh, Yashwanth
Pranav N Iyengar

There is some unconventional style but on the whole it is not convincing. Director Deepak should know that realistic approach in the narration without any intriguing moment and entertaining values the film cannot fill the cash registers. The need of the hour is what one should know while writing script and screenplay.

The method of narration from the point of view of characters leaves the audience to scratch their heads sometime in `35/100 Just Pass'. The director in the first attempt also makes just pass but this kind of films just passes away from the box office.

Priti (Shwetha Murthy) the bubbly dimple girl in the college smiling and passing a cool breeze from her looks is the cynosure of all eyes in the college campus. There are three boys behind her. Ankur (Vikram) is somewhat close to Priti and is not tolerated by muscular Shiva (Raghu). The first half just passes with nothing happening and no one proposing.

In the second half there is another guy in the college who is also afraid like Ankur and Shiva to express his love. By the time all the three individually decide to express their intentions Priti comes with her hubby. From the point of view of Priti, the proposal made by the three boys is explained in the climax which is the unusual treatment for the film.

The heroine to watch in future is Shwetha Murthy. She has killing looks and possess admirable smile. The boys have nothing to boast. The character artists do not deserve any mention.

The title song scored by Pranav is peppy and cinematography for the film from Sandeep is adequate. This is not a passable movie.

Scoring 3.5/10

Rating: 0 / 5.0

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