A Aa release date

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 14 2016]

The much-awaited film A Aa will release on June 3. The film was planned to be released in May itself, but due to certain unavoidable reasons, it has been deferred more than once. After a much-awaited summer release, the producer has been able to find only a June slot.

The audio and trailer have generated good response among sections of the audience.

This Nithiin, Samantha and Anupama Parameswaran starrer film is music-directed by Mickey J Meyer.

Samantha narrates the trailer, saying that any story has three parts: beginning, twist, ending. It all begins with she meeting Nandu in a railway station. The twist comes in the form of Anupama Parameswaran, who seems to love Nithiin. Rao Ramesh, her father, says, "Ravana's parents think of Surpanaka as Samantha," letting us know that some of the characters are self-deprecating. "Ravana's wife, too, thinks of her husband as Pawan Kalyan," Anupama retorts, Trivikram-style.

"Love chesentha luxury ledhu, vadilesentha levelu ledhu," coming from Nithiin, introduces the film's conflict point in brief.

Right from Samantha's 'bow' to Anupama's rustic, unkempt avatar to Nadiya's dominating body language to Nithiin's meek presence, the trailer has it all.