A ray of hope for Meera

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,July 08 2005]

Meera Jasmine is a National Award winner. She was one of the leading actresses in Malayalam.

But somehow things have not her way in the last one and a half years or so.

First she had the nasty spat with her kith and kin. Then there was the reported famed affair with director Lohitha Dass.

But she kept going by keeping herself busy in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.

Suddenly, all the offers have evaporated like rain water on a summer morning.

In Telugu, she has been patently unlucky. Though she has a couple of good performances, she has not got her due.

In Ammayi Bagundi, she played the double role to perfection. The film also had a decent run. But Meera never really too off. Of course, she did Gudumbashankar after that. But that was a failure. And now Bhadra.

The film is a confirmed hit. But Meera has hardly been noticed.

In the event, the reports of D Rama Naidu planning to do a film must be indeed happy for her.

That is her one last chance. If that fails.