Aamir Khan and Narendra Modi what is common?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 23 2015]

It's not very often that two very well known, highly respected and highly important citizen of India reach China to promote similar things. Recently, PM Narendra Modi and Aamir Khan were in China for similar reason. PM Narendra Modi was there to sign very important treaties and improve relations with our neighbors whereas Aamir Khan was there for the premiere of PK' in China before its release.

Aamir promoting his film in China can also be considered a step towards strengthening relations between India and China as films can act as a very important tool towards strengthening our bonds. Aamir and Rajkumar Hirani were very keen on releasing PK' in China as their previous venture 3 Idiots' was a big hit amongst the Chinese.

PK' is scheduled to release on 22nd May, 2015 in China. With such efforts of PM Narendra Modi and Aamir Khan we surely are heading towards the right direction of world unity and progressive India.