Aamir Khan's playful pic with daughter goes viral

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 31 2018]

Aamir Khan who is one of the top most bankable stars of Bollywood has made news recently for his ‘innappropriate’ photos with his daughter Ira. The web community has gone wildly crazy over the affectionate monkeying that the daughter-dad duo indulged in.

However, there were some netizens who opined that there was nothing wrong in the pictures and it should not be sexualised.The picture shows Aamir being tackled by Ira ‘Dangal’ style, if you will, on what appears to be a football playground.

This truly shows that no matter how grown up, kids will be always kids to parents and this is not an exception to celebrities as well. With many trolling the picture to be ‘pornographic’ in nature bringing reference to the time of Ramzan as well, the actor has been receiving positive support from his fans.

Here’s the actor’s social media post: