Aamir Khan: It was joy to work with Sakshi

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 09 2016]

Aamir Khan praised his 'Dangal' co-star Sakshi Tanwar, saying it was a "dream" to work with her.

"It was wonderful (working with Sakshi). Sakshi was a dream to work with. She is so talented. I can't remember a single shot in the film where she had to do a retake. She give a shot in just one take. Not once but all the time," Aamir told reporters here, during a promotions of his film 'Dangal'.

The 51-year-old actor said that there had "never been a second take because of her". "She gives a heartfelt shot. There is skill and heart in her shots...it was a joy for me to work with her...She's fantastic human being," he added.

Aamir also said Sakshi is a "warm and happy" person. "I would love to work with her again," he added.

In 'Dangal', Aamir plays the role of wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat. The film also stars Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra.

'Dangal', directed by Nitesh Tiwari, is scheduled to release on December 23.