Check out Abhishek Bachchan's witty reply to a troll 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 08 2021]

Actor Abhishek Bachchan has mastered the art of staying unbothered and replying to mean and toxic social media trolls. Ever since it's announcement, his film 'The Big Bull' was destined to have comparisons with the web series 'Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story' but after the trailer the comparisons grew even wilder. Both the projects are based on the life of infamous stockbroker Harshad Mehta. The film inspiration from Harshad's life while the web series was a direct biopic.

A Twitter user recently asked Abhishek, I did watch #Scam1992 already, tell me one reason to watch #Thebigbull again. Abhishek had a simple yet witty reply to the question. The reason he gave was, I am in it.

The lead actor of the web series, Pratik Gandhi is excited to witness Abhishek's take on the character. He said, Congratulations Abhishek Bachchan and the whole team of The Big Bull. The trailer looks promising. Looking forward to watch the film.

The maker of the show Hansal Mehta also tweeted in the support of the film. Please don't make unfair comparisons. There can be multiple tales of the same story, his tweet read.