Abhishek compares 'Kai Po Che!' lead with Sanjeev Kumar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 08 2013]

In Abhishek Kapoor's 'Kai Po Che!', there are rank or almost newcomers in the form of Sushant Singh Rajput, Amit Sadh and Raj Kumar Yadav.

The 'Rock On' director admits that while he was prepared for the challenges that were coming his way, he was more than satisfied as well as confident long before the camera started rolling.

In audition, the way they started responding to each other, I knew that they were right choices, says Abhishek, They just had to work a little around themselves and they were on the job.

Sushant was willing to prepare well. Amit was not as well built so he had to do something about that. Rajkumar is a delightful actor and he has a big role to play here.

The way I look at him, he has got into the space that the great Sanjeev Kumar excelled in. He has some mighty shoes to fill but then he is such a powerful actor that just his power to be in front of the camera changes the whole equation.

This is the reason why he is willing to make a declaration beforehand even though the film is still a month away.

Whether it is Sushant, Amit or Raj, there is no one who is more or less than the other. When people would watch the film, they would see an emergence of three stars.

Also starring Amrita Puri as the leading lady, 'Kai Po Che!' has music by Amit Trivedi and releases all over on 22nd February.