Abhishek likely to reprise Nani in Eega's Hindi version

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,July 26 2012]

No, Eega is not going to be remade into Hindi. However, the romantic portions featuring Nani and Samantha will be shot all over again for the Hindi version. Our sources say that Abhishek Bacchan will reprise Nani. Thus, Samantha and Sudeep will shoot for these sons. The 3D film, to be released in the last leg of 2012, will have its market scale up if this is true.

Scenes involving Nani and Samantha are very few. That involving the three (that is Sudeep included) are only two. While Nani has no macho image in Telugu, Abhi comes with a muscular image. Questions remain as to whether he is apt for a role that is subtly child-like.

'Naan Ee' is a film on the hero reincarnating as a fly to avenge his death, the film is running to packed screens in the south. We have to wait to see if Abhishek will be seen in its Hindi version.