Actor abuses woman with vulgar message

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,September 22 2017]

Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor allegedly sent a vulgar direct message to a woman on Twitter. When a woman sent her a meme of the Kapoor family via DM, the veteran got piqued and crossed his limits by using the forbidden 'B' word against her.

The woman immediately took a screenshot of the same and put it out in the open. She started a hashtag named #BlockBesharamRishi.

But the actor is not apologetic. "Rubbish.I am now seeing tweets abusing me. I am no saint. I will react in your own language. So shut your complaints. Tit for tat," he said on Twitter.

It all began when Rishi took on Rahul Gandhi's recent comments, calling out his pro-dynastic comments.