Actor Joy Mathew getting ready to direct his second film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 10 2017]

Shutter' was Joy Mathew's first directorial project and it grabbed critical reviews because of its novel way of storytelling as it unveils a story that takes place in two days and a night in the city of Kozhikode. The story and treatment was new to Mollywood and it was well received. And no one was surprised when it won the Audience Prize at the 17th International Film Festival of Kerala.

Joy Mathew has announced that he has started the initial works for his new film which is based on the subject of extremist politics and naxal politics of Kerala during the 70s and 80s. It will throw light on the unknown and less known facts and areas of extremist politics of Kerala. Many leading actors and newcomers will be part of this project.

After finalizing the shooting schedule and other crew members the director and producer will reveal more details of the film.