Actor Rahman to make his Bollywood debut

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,December 10 2021]

Actor Rahman is all excited as he is making his Bollywood debut alongside Tiger Shroff and Kirti Sanon in the upcoming movie titled Ganpath. Directed by National Award-winner Vikas Bahl, the film is said to have two parts and will see Rahman in an important role in both the parts. Reportedly , the actor is said to have undergone training in the language and makeup tests for three months, for his role in the film.

In an interview to TOI, Rahman was all praise for Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon. “Despite being a big hero, he is very humble. He is dedicated to his work,” Rahman said. He also said that Kriti is a sweet and friendly co-star, who collaborates with him a lot during shots. However, the actor was tightlipped to reveal about his character in the movie. Bankrolled by Pooja Entertainments, the film's shooting is currently underway in London.

Meanwhile, Rahman has a couple of films in his kitty including Mani Ratnam's ambitious movie Ponniyin Selvan , Vishal's Thupparivaalan 2 and Jayam Ravi's Jana Gana Mana.