Actress Akansha Singh to play Ajay's wife in 'Mayday'.

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,December 13 2020]

Ajay Devgan's 'Mayday' is the talk of the town these days. The film has began filming and it is already creating hype. Now after the casting of Amitabh Bachchan, Rakul Preet and Angira Dhar, actress Akansha Singh is also confirmed to have a role in the film. She'll play wife to Ajay's character.

This is what Akansha has to say about her casting, “It’s like a dream come true to be a part of such a big and much-awaited film. I am so excited to share the screen with Ajay sir and Amitabh sir and icing on the cake is Ajay sir is directing the film. It’s actually happening! It’s an important role and I am lucky that the first muhurat shot of the film had me in it.”

'Mayday' went on floors this Saturday and makers are aiming for an April 29th, 2022 release.