Actress dies of snake bite

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,May 10 2018]

In a tragic incident, 63 year old Bengali actress Kalidasi Mondal died during her show owing to a snake bite. The theatre actress was bitten by a real snake which was being used as a prop in the show which was held at Hasnabad, West Bengal.

Reportedly, the actress was taken to an ‘ojha’ (faith healer) immediately after the bite, but the healer failed to cure her. Kalidasi was then rushed to a nearby hospital where she was declared brought dead. It is worth noting here that for the victim who used only plastic snakes every year, this was the first time a live snake was used.

The snake was used for the theatre show based on ‘Manasamangal Kavya’ from early literature covering the theme of how the snake godess establishes her worship. The body of the actress has been sent for post-mortem and the police are investigating the issue even though no complaints have been filed as of now.