Young Tamil actress's thrilling skydiving adventure video rocks the internet

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,February 04 2022]

Young actress Keerthi Pandian, the daughter of famous actor and producer Arun Pandyan made heads turn with her authentic performance in the survival drama 'Anbirkiniyaal' directed by Gokul.

The theater trained actress is pretty active on social media and never shies away from experimenting with ultra glamour for her photoshoots and videos. She has gained a huge fan following as well.

Keerthi has shared her latest video in which she is seen jumping of a plane with her skydiving instructor. She wrote “Sometimes you gotta embrace the storm in your heart...The 15,000 Feet Dive. Dove to the sun setting with land on one side and the ocean on the other. One of the most enthralling experiences I’ve ever had. An experience which reemphasised the perspective of “Pale Blue Dot“. On another note, super obsessed with this song and everything about the film CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH.

Keerthi is referring to 'Gehraiyaan' the new movie starring Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chathurvedi. The star kid herself is starring in a newage thriller 'Kannagi' and also a romantic comedy costarring Vinod Kishan.