Actress Namitha fell into a well while filming

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,November 03 2020]

The bystanders who were at the shooting spot of Namitha's upcoming movie Bow Wow was terrified for a moment when the actress fell into a well during shooting the film. The incident took place at the Chithranjali studio in Thiruvananthapuram while the actress was filming 'Bow Wow'.

While making a phone call near the well, the actress' mobile phone slipped and fell into the well. Namitha who tried to reach the phone fell into a 35 feet deep well.

After she fell into the well, it created a panic atmosphere in the set. Only after the movie's directors RL Ravi and Mathew Zacharia announced 'cut' it was realised that the actress was filming a scene of her falling into a well. The actress' performance was so realistic such that it almost looked like a real accident.

Bow Wow is a suspense thriller film that has a dog as a central character. The plot revolves around a round who overcomes adversities to rescue a person who falls into a well. The movie marks Namitha's first production. Apart from Malayalam and Tamil, the film will be released in several other languages as well.