Actress Parvathy meets with accident

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 09 2018]

Mollywood's acclaimed actress Parvathy was on Tuesday involved in an accident on a National Highway in Kerala.  She was travelling in a hired Innova car from Kochi to Trivandrum when it crashed into a Maruthi car that was speeding in front near Allapuzha.  Luckily Parvathy and the other passengers in both cars escaped unhurt.

The 'Mariyaan' and 'Uttama Villain' heroine continued her journey in another car and the police did not register a case as both parties settled the issue by themselves.

Parvathy who recently won the National Award for 'Take Off', decided to boycott the recently-held National Awards ceremony because it's not the President but the I&B Ministry who gave away most of the awards.