Actress Poulomi Das had to dance for 18 hours for an elaborate sequence in 'Paurashpur'.

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,December 31 2020]

Before actually portraying any character on screen, actors have to go through lengthy and strenuous preparation for the role. We have often heard stories about method actors going an extra mile to get the hang of their characters down to every last detail. Actress Poulomi Das, who plays the role of a daasi in the epic period drama 'Paurashpur', is no different.

Poulomi's character Kala had an elaborate dance sequence in the show. Since the filming was done in a tight schedule of 22 days, Poulomi had to dance for nearly 18 hours to deliver all the necessary shots. This is what she had to say about the whole affair, There is a very dramatic dance performance in Paurashpur which I had to perform. The dance sequence had a lot of feelings and hand and eye gestures involved which required a lot detailing and finesse. To achieve the perfection, we had to stretch it for those many hours and also there was a sequence where I am dancing inside and outside the water. It was a pretty elaborate thing to execute. I love dancing so I really enjoyed it.

'Paurashpur' is now streaming on ZEE5 and ALTBalaji.