X Videos actress commits suicide in Chennai

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 29 2018]

Young actresses committing suicide has become a frequent occurence in Kollywood in recent years and once again Valasaravakkam, Chennai is witness to yet another incident.  Actress Riyamika has acted in films such as 'Kundrathiley Kumaranukku Kondattam', 'XVideos' and 'Agori'.  Hailing from Erode she lived in Chennai with her cousin brother Prakash who worked as an assistant director and was also in love with her gym instructor Dinesh.

It is said that Riyamika was depressed because she did not get any new movie offers and on that fatefull day had wanted to vent her feelings to her lover Dinesh and asked him to come to her house.  However when Dinesh arrived there was a an argument and Riyamika angrily went and locked herself in her bedroom.

 After a few hours Dinesh and Prakash cooked lunch and when they tried to call her she did not respond and then were shocked to find her hanging on the bedroom ceiling phone.  The cops were called in and declared her dead.