Actress Shilpa Shetty admits to making 'a mistake'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,August 27 2021]

Ever since the arrest of her husband Raj Kundra for his alleged involvement in a pornography case, actress Shilpa Shetty has been in the limelight. On Thursday, the actress shared a cryptic post on her social media handle. The actress shared a picture of an excerpt from a book that talked about mistakes.

The excerpt reads, We can't make our lives interesting without making a few mistakes here and there. We hope that they won't be dangerous mistakes or mistakes that hurt other people. But there will be mistakes. We can see our mistakes as things we'd like to forget or as our most interesting, challenging, and stimulating experiences. Not because of the mistakes themselves but because of what we learned from them. Shetty further added an animated sticker to her story and wrote, “I made a mistake but it's ok”.

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It was recently Shilpa returned to work as the judge of a dance reality show, after her husband Raj Kundra’s arrest in the pornography case. On the work front, Shilpa was last seen in the film 'Hungama 2' helmed by Priyadarshan.