Here's how Aditya Roy Kapoor will restart filming for 'Om'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 28 2021]

Prior to the lockdown, actor Aditya Roy Kapoor was busy with his upcoming project 'Om: The Battle Within'. Although the there are restrictions on film shooting in the country but the cast and crew of 'Om' are gearing up to begin a new schedule of the film and this will take place in Turkey. The team will take off from India as soon as the Covid-19 situation get a little better and it is safe for people to come out.

A source close to the project shared, The whole team of ‘OM’ is really excited to shoot the remaining portions of the film in Turkey. Aditya has been training hard and will be performing some special action sequences there specifically. They would be flying as soon as things get better, both in India and globally.

'Om' will feature Aditya is totally different avatar from his previous characters. While the actor is known for emotionally driven sensitive characters, he has transformed himself to play no nonsense actikn packed character. Aditya has spent lot of time in the gym to look accurate and believable for the part. Leading lady of the film Sanjana Sanghi will also be seen in a action packed avatar in the film.