After 'Jagadam' in mind, Ram says 'Nenu Kishore'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 01 2017]

After a Box Office dud like 'Hyper', Ram understandably has been making cautious moves. For months on end, he had had 'Jagadam' in his mind about picking either Karunakaran or Kishore Tirumala to direct his next. If Karunakaran seems to have offered him an impressive story, Kishore is the much in-form filmmaker, having directed 'Nenu Sailaja'. However, the latter was too busy trying to woo Venkatesh for 'Adallu Meeku Joharlu'.

After the Venkatesh project fell apart, Kishore was now free to go back to Ram.

The news is that a film in the combination of 'Nenu Sailaja' is very much happening. It will hit the floors some time in April. To be produced by Sravanthi Movies, it could well see Ram sporting a uber-cool look.

For an actor who badly needs a hit, Ram's film may hit the screens only a year after 'Hyper' did in last September.