Vetrimaaran's 'Visaranai' Oscar entry fires Government into action

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 03 2016]

Director Vetrimaaran's hard hitting realistic film on custody deaths and human rights violations, Visaraanai' India's official entry to the Oscars in the Best Foreign Film Category is this year. The film co-produced by Dhanush when released earlier this year went on to gain critical and commercial success.

The Government of India has set up the The Information and Broadcasting Ministry's Film Promotion Fund, which will assist filmmakers in covering publicity, marketing, travel and other related expenses to participate in various festivals around the globe. Films competing for the Oscars would get 50 lakhs to 1Crore Rupees aid around 20 lakhs and 15 lakhs respectively for Cannes and Venice Film Festivals.

I & B Minister B. Venkaiah Naidu has said that this initiative was taken to help independent film-makers to promote their work across the globe and will also be available for Indian films competing at such festivals as Sundance, Berlin, Busan, Locarno, Toronto and Rotterdam, among others.