Aishwarya Dutta's similarities in 'Bigg Boss 2 ' & 'Marainthirunthu Paarkum Marmam Enna'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,August 18 2018]

Among all the contesants in 'Bigg Boss' and 'Bigg Boss 2', Aishwarya Dutta has been earning the name as the most irritating personality among the viewers and she is the main fodder for meme creators now.  The way she gets hyper about everything is also getting her more hates than likes on all social media platforms.

Aishwarya Dutta has acted in the recent film 'Marainthirunthu Paarkum Marmam Enna' directed by Rahesh.  Curious fans who go into the theater to see how she has fared as an actress have shared that it is even worse on the big screen.  Aishwarya plays a cop in training and the filmmakers have only used her in shots where she is running towards the camera for obvious reasons.  Her makeup is very dull giving her a tired  look and the makers have not even applied lipstick to hide her cracked lips.  On the whole poor Aishwarya's character is superflous in 'MPME' and her scenes are more boring than the other boring scenes in the film.