Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, a diva of 35 summers today!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,November 01 2009]

The light-eyed diva captured the hearts of young and old with her looks, grace and talents. Aishwarya Rai… the name tells it all. Glamour and glitz, fame and popularity. She won the Miss World crown and since then there was no looking back for Aishwarya. Movies after movies, ads after ads. She went on to rule the screen world and is the most recognised face internationally as well. Ash easily earned the tag of ‘The World's Most Beautiful Woman’.

Aishawarya Rai has worked with most of the eminent filmmakers in the industry, equally illustrious co-stars, brands and well-known organisations. To top it all, she was blessed with innumerable prestigious awards and recognitions. She also enjoys a place in London's Madame Tussaud's wax museum, in the form a wax model.

Recently, the actress was honoured by the People’s Magazine. They have brought a special biography on our Ash. It would cover most of her life insiders and give an overview on her 15 year-long filmy journey.

One can truly call her a lucky babe. After her marriage with Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya became a part of Bollywood’s first family and most popular cine pariwar. The adorable couple had graced the Oprah Winfrey Show sometime back; together for the first time and being the first Indian couple to be on the international show.

Ash and Abhi have not only become the hottest stars but also adorable jodi; on and off screen. People are eagerly waiting for their movie, Raavan, Mani Ratnam’s magnums opus.

This Beauty Queen turns a year older today.

Hey Aish, “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” We at IndiaGlitz wish that you add even more zing to the years to come.