Aishwarya Rai Bachchan with cute Aaradhya leave for Cannes

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,May 16 2015]

Cannes Film Festival kicked started and here's our Miss Gorgeous all geared up to make her regular and beautiful appearance at the prestigious event. And look, who is here accompanying the diva.... Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who left for Cannes yesterday, was seen along with her cute daughter Aaradhaya. The maa-beti duo were also accompanied by Aishwarya's parents, who were visibly seen quite concerned about Aaradhya's plane travel.

Here, Aishwarya is clicked in a typical mommy avatar, sharing baby talks with Aaradhya, while grandfather looks on.

Seems like granny Vrinda is asking the little one to hold her hand, as Aishwarya hold on to Aaradhya's other hand.

Sonam Kapoor, also the brand ambassador of L'Oreal Paris like Aishwarya, took off to Cannes yesterday, with sis Rhea.