Aishwarya Rai features on American TV show

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,January 03 2005]

India is not prudish but does not accept public displays of intimacy, says actress Aishwarya Rai.

The Bollywood star told interviewer Bob Simon in the premier show "60 Minutes" on CBS: "In our society you don't really see people around the street corner kissing or being extremely or overtly physically demonstrative."

The interview Sunday night that introduces Rai to mainstream American homes comes even as her not-so-acclaimed film "Bride and Prejudice" opens in the US.

"Her fans have built 17,000 web sites featuring her image, and a British magazine poll named her the world's most beautiful woman. Her beauty adorns the ad campaigns of brands like DeBeers diamonds, L'Oreal and Coca-Cola," CBS says on its website.

"Bollywood movies contain love and passion, but music and song substitute for actual sex of even the most innocent kind. Rai's first movie kiss, should she do it, will be a minor scandal among her fans, especially in India," CBS says.

"It would definitely be a topic of discussion," the actress admitted. "They're going to enjoy talking about it."

"We'll cross the bridge when we reach it," said Aishwarya of the inevitable love scene in her future American film. "Let's see. We'll work on the story, work on the scene. I'll work on the part..."