WOW! Ajith Kumar turns bike mechanic again for the sake of a fan

Ajith Kumar is living it up as a hardcore biker during the past few months having completed an all India tour, an European tour and recently taking on the rough terrains of Leh - Ladakh. The highlight is that this time he inspired his 'AK 61' heroine and Mollywood superstar Manju Warrier to take up the trip with him and his friends. Photos of the charismatic duo have gone viral on the internet.

An Ajith fan called Manju Kashyappa has shared on social media that in Ladakh his bike suddenly experienced malfunction and stopped by the roadside. When Ajith passed that way and he and his friends asked for help the superstar immediately stopped his swank bike and rushed to help.

Manju Kashyappa has stated that Ajith himself took care of the malfunction and in no time got the bike of his fans up and running much to the surprise of everyone. Ajith later also had tea with the group at a roadside shop. The latest pics shared by Manju have gone viral on the internet and AK fans are trending them number one on SM as usual. No need to mention that Ajith among many other things is also an accomplished bike mechanic who has the ability to totally dismantle them and reassemble them.

On the professional front Ajith will soon resume shooting of 'AK 61' directed by H. Vinoth. Early next year he will move on to 'AK 62 directed by Vignesh Shivan and produced by Lyca Productions for which Anirudh is scoring the music.