Aju Varghese as a pseudo-astrologer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,February 16 2016]

Aju Varghese has a lot of interesting characters to his credit. He will be seen in a very different role in his upcoming movie. 'Oru Murai vanth Parthaya' will feature Aju as a fake astrologer who has a trick of two up his sleeve to fool people. His character named Manoj Jyotsyar lends some comic relief in the narrative.

Unni Mukundan plays the lead hero in the movie. he plays Prakashan. Prakashan and Manoj Jyotsyar are close friends. The movie has a triangular love story with Sanusha and Prayaga Martin as the female leads. Sajan K Mathew is helming the movie.