Akshay Kumar shares his take on cancel culture in Bollywood 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,August 15 2022]

In last few weeks, cancel culture has become a topic of concern for Bollywood as well as our society. These days people are quick to bash and reject something without any significant reasons. Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar's latest movies are facing boycott trends because some people have ideological differences with them.

Now recently, trolls have started a boycott trend against Hrithik Roshan's upcoming film 'Vikram Vedha' as well. This started after Hrithik tweeted that he had a good time watching 'Laal Singh Chaddha' and urged his fans to go watch this movie. If a tweet like this can cause masses to hate on somebody, it is a matter of great concern for our society.

In a recent conversation with Hindustan Times, Akshay Kumar shared his views on the cancel culture and said, People are smart enough to understand what is wrong and what is right. I would just request them, don’t do such mischief, it’s not good and it hurts every industry. Abhi kya ho gaya hai, sabko apna apna kuch bolna hai. Ek film banti hai bohot saare paiso aur mehnat se and koi bhi industry ho.