'Sultan' director holidays in Paris

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,December 31 2016]

Director Ali Abbas Zafar, who had a blockbuster year at the box office with 'Sultan', is in Paris for work, but will also be taking some time out to explore the city.

He tweeted: "Work and holiday. Just before the madness starts, some candid black and white pictures. Paris."

For Zafar, the year was great thanks to 'Sultan', which has actors Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma in lead roles. Salman played a wrestling champion from Haryana whose successful career wreaks havoc in his personal life.

In an interview, Zafar said that he knows 'Sultan' would not just give him a standing as a filmmaker but also raise people's expectations from him. He said he "will be expected to deliver a bigger film after 'Sultan'".