Ali sends feelers to unfriended star Pawan Kalyan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,February 09 2020]

Last year, ahead of the elections, comedian Ali unfriended Pawan Kalyan a few days after he joined the YSRCP. Power Star said at a public rally that Ali didn't get what he wanted from him and that's why he ditched him. Ali came back and put a straight question to Power Star: Did I ever ask you for anything?

In his latest interview, Ali has commented that he is ready to work with Pawan in films. If I get an offer, I am ready to act. Politics and films are different. They shouldn't be mixed, Ali said, denying that he has been approached for a role in Krish Jagarlamudi's outing with Power Star.

This is nothing but sending feelers to his friend-turned-political foe Pawan in particular and the Mega camp in general.

It's rumoured that Ali has been losing out on important Mega projects due to his open differences with Pawan. This seems to be a convenient rumour, though. Ali was doing less number of films much before his fallout with Pawan.