Allu Arjun is one of the big style icons: Bollywood actor

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 20 2019]

Siddhant Chaturvedi, the Bollywood actor who was recently seen in 'Gully Boy', was in Hyderabad recently. During a college event, he revealed that he is a fan of Allu Arjun.

Speaking to a TV channel, Siddhant has said that he was blown away by the Mega hero's performance when he watched 'Arya'. I was a college student back then. I really loved him in that film. I love the way he has got his swag, he has got the moves. He is one of the biggest style icons. He is amazing. Allu Arjun sir, I want to meet you sir. I am a big fan of you. It will be great if 'do sher' meet, he said. MC Sher is his name in 'Gully Boy' and that's why the reference.

The actor is a big fan of the song 'Lover Also Fighter Also' from 'Naa Peru Surya'.