Allu Arjun is too sweet & wonderful: Bollywood superstar

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,December 16 2018]

Girls and boys in North India know Allu Arjun well through the dubbed movies they watch on YouTube and TV. From 'Sarrainodu' to 'Duvvada Jagannadham', Bunny's films are quite popular and the Mega hero's dances have his fans in Punjab and other States jiving. A number of young actresses from the North debuting in Tollywood have said that Bunny is their most favourite.

But one never knew that the Stylish Star is in the good books of even Shah Rukh Khan. The Bollywood superstar was in Hyderabad on Saturday and he spoke to a TV channel about his favourite in Telugu. Allu, I love you and I am gonna come down 100 percent one day and spend time with you. He is too sweet, too wonderful, and extremely talented, SRK said.

OMG! My favorite SRK said such nice things abt my other favorite, Arjun. So proud again and happy again! Allu Sirish said, reacting to the 'Zero' actor's comments.