Amala thanks Vishal; speaks of women's duty

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,February 10 2018]

Amala Paul has thanked Vishal for standing by her in her recent exposure of a man who harassed her sexually when she was at a dance practice in a T Nagar studio.

Her statement reads, "Thank you Vishal for standing by me and assuring me that I must not let it go, and I didn't, now I believe it's every woman's duty, to not let it go and stand for themselves. He was ready to trade me off like a meatloaf, his guts make me sick, his existence makes me sick".

Vishal had posted saying, "Hats off to your guts Amala Paul for your boldness in the recent incident. Salute you. Needs a lot of determination and guts to move a case on sexual harassment. Sincere thanks to the police dept for the swift action filed. Hope these culprits learn a lesson."