Ameer is happy and contended

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 12 2007]

Director Ameer has played down criticism from few quarters on the climax of his Paruthi Veeran.

The movie starring Karthi and Priya Mani released a couple of weeks ago and has been doing good business. However, a section had said that the climax scenes were gory and the rape scene was needless.

However, Ameer says, “The climax was necessary for the movie and I find no fault with it. When Sekhar Kapur had a similar sequence for Bandit Queen, everyone appreciated it. I wonder why they ridicule it when I opt for such a scene in Paruthi Veeran.”

“It is one of the most satisfying films for me and I am confident that it would bring the cast and crew of the movie more laurels,” he adds.