Amitabh Bachchan gives his voice for Pro Kabaddi League

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,July 20 2015]

A mellifluous edgy and foot tapping collection of promotional songs have been composed and sung by Mr Bachchan ahead of the Pro Kabaddi Season!!

Amitabh Bachchan has lent his baritone voice for four promotional songs "Le Panga" for the upcoming Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League Season Two, in Hindi and Marathi languages, and his son Abhishek owns Jaipur Pink Panthers. He has composed two of them himself!!

The original two songs have been written by Piyush Pandey the iconic Advertising Guru and recorded at music director Aadesh Srivastav's studio, The other two are Mr Bachchan's own compositions in both languages!! He has sung all four of them.

Well, is there nothing that the eternal megastar cannot do!! Catch the famous baritone voice as Mr Amitabh Bachchan's voice in Hindi and Marathi sings about Kabaddi!!

Click here to hear the song