Amitabh Bachchan gives thumbs up to 'Filmistaan' trailer

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,May 13 2014]

The trailer of Nitin Kakkar debut directorial ‘Filmistaan’ that got released recently has grabbed attention of one and all.

And one who seems to have loved it most is our megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Appreciating it on micro-blogging site, Big B wrote, Fresh talent, innovative ideas compassionate audience in our cinema. Watch trailer of 'Filmistaan'. Loved it. ‘Filmistaan’ shows how cinema can be the universal panacea for co-existence.

‘Filmistaan’, Produced by Shrinagar Films, won the national award for Best Film category in 2012 and is set to release on 6th June 2014.