Amitabh Bachchan is truly a director's actor as he has faith in his directors!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,May 13 2015]
Elated at the success of his latest film PIKU, Amitabh Bachchan in his tweet thanked his fans for appreciating the movie. The movie's success also reminded him of his first blockbuster film ZANJEER, which incidentally was released in the month of May.
Bachchan in his tweet wrote, 'Zanjeer'...42 years of its release! 11th May 1973! The day of some consequence... May month excitement... PIKU May 8."
In a sense PIKU like ZANJEER is path breaking movie for Bachchan because if ZANJEER established him as an Angry Young Man', PIKU has truly displayed a new Amitabh Bachchan in a new avatar.
Kudos to director Shoojit Sircar for daring to present the otherwise dynamic and fashionable, Amitabh Bachchan as an aged with protruding stomach and unkempt hair. Truly it takes a brave heart to present a superstar in such an unconventional get-up but what is most fascinating is that Bachchan did not made any grumble regarding his odd looks for he always trusts his directors.
Shoojit Sircar in an interview said, "Amitabh Bachchan is a director's actor. When he is on the set, he is a director's actor. He listens to you intently and tries to understand your vision and then makes it a part of his vision."
Here I am reminded when eminent film maker Prakash Mehra, who made Amitabh Bachchan a superstar with ZANJEER and subsequent hit films like HERA PHERI, KHOON PASINA, MUQADDAR KA SIKANDAR etc.
During the making of LAAWARIS Prakash Mehra decided to shot Amitabh Bachchan as female in the hit song Mere Angne Mein Tumhara Kya Kam Hai...but he had reservation how to cajole Bachchan for the same but he dared and kept his suggestion. To Mehra's surprise Amitabh Bachchan had no hesitation and he gave his nod.
But when Jaya Bachchan came to know about it she raised a hue and cry and urged Bachchan to drop the idea as audience will mock at him and the movie will fail. But Bachchan had complete faith in Prakash Mehra and like an obedient student he did the scene with dedication as per the director's diktat.
The result everybody knows the song became the USP of the film and the movie did fantastic business.
This article is from Raaga's music blog.

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