Amitabh Bachchan & Prakash Jha to create history this Thursday

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,August 09 2011]

We have all seen stars promoting their movies before the release of their film but have you ever heard of a film promoting another film?

For the first time ever the first look of a movie will be unveiled by the team of another movie! On Thursday, the team of 'Aarakshan' consisting of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and Director Prakash Jha, will be unveiling the first promo of Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgn starrer 'Rascals' at a suburban multiplex.

Never before in the history of cinema has there ever been such a cross promotional activity. Mr. Bachchan, who is quite close with Sanjay and Ajay, willingly agreed to be a part of this promotional activity after a single phone call from Sanju baba who is also producing this film.

In fact Sanjay Dutt's father, the late Sunil Dutt and Amitabh Bachchan had a great relations! Hence the association with the Dutt-Bachchan family goes way back. The director of 'Rascals', David Dhawan, too is quite excited with this development as he too has worked with Big B in movies like 'Bade Miyaan Chote Miyaan' and 'Hum Kisise Se Kum Nahi'.

On the other hand, Jha was more than happy to unveil the first look of his favorite actor, Ajay's, new movie. Both have given many hits like 'Gangajal' and 'Rajneeti' to name a few.

Producer Sanjay Ahluwalia and Vinay Choksey will too be present at the event. 'Rascals' hits theatres this Dussera!