Amitabh Bachchan reveals the secret behind his long lasting success in Bollywood 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,April 28 2022]

Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is all set to give a power packed performance in Ajay Devgan's soon to be released aviation thriller 'Runway 34' and recently, he joined Ajay for a promotional chat for the film. During their conversation, Big B shared his experience of working under Ajay's direction and also revealed the secret behind his huge and long lasting success in the film industry.

Mr Bachchan said, In the movie, he was just being an actor, but was also the producer as well as the director. Becoming all three of them, and doing justice to all the roles has indeed been challenging for him.

Further in the conversation, Amitabh Bachchan shared his ome quality that made him such a huge star and helped him deliver numerous iconic performances. He said, If you call yourself a professional, and you want to work in any profession, you have to take it seriously. Once you have signed a contract and you have agreed to being a professional, then whatever is written, or whatever your director is asking you to do, you should do it. And you should do it with all the talent that you have within you, or whatever the director is asking from you.”

He concluded by saying, So when you ask me, how I do it, it is very difficult to say. You told me the character, you told me how to do it, you directed the film, placed the cameras in a certain way, took certain shots, it is all written on paper.

Also starring Rakul Preet Singh and Boman Irani in important roles, 'Runway 34' is set to release theatrically on 29th of April.