Amitabh Bachchan talks about "deafeningly silent" Diwali night 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,November 06 2021]

There have been significant changes in last two years in the way festivals are celebrated in our country. Especially the pomp and excitement with which Diwali is celebrated has gone down after the pandemic. Actor Amitabh Bachchan also noticed this and pointed out how quite and silent Diwali celebrations have been this year.

Big B usually hosts a grand party on Diwali but he couldn't do it this year. Reminiscing the old gatherings at his house, Big B wrote, The gaiety , the fun and frolic of the past .. the celebration of this festive day .. friends and well wishers at Jalsa and the night of light and brightness .. in the diyas of hope and prosperity.

Talking about unusually calm Diwali night, Big B wrote, It has been deafeningly silent for a Diwali night .. no or hardly any sound of fire crackers ..perhaps a GOI ruling against it , but even so an eerie silence about .. and a room full of family and each in his or her own world of the mobile .. what has the rapid communication done to us .. destroyed memory , remembering .. an answer to all on the net and a depletion of the mind and the brain to face upto the challenges, for public consumption and beyond.”