Amitabh Bachchan took a pay cut for 'Jhund' 

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,March 03 2022]

Megastar Amitabh Bachchan's sports film 'Jhund' is just couple days away from its release and it has significant hype around it. Helmed by Nagraj Manjule, the film will follow the real life story of Vijay Barse, a football coach who rounds up slum dwelling youngsters to form a football team and gives them hope for a future away from criminal life.

Reviews from early screenings suggest that this is one of the best performances by Amitabh Bachchan. Apparently, Big B liked the script so much that he and his staff members even took a pay cut in order to get the film made.

Producer Sandeep Singh recently told Mid-Day, Mr Bachchan loved the script. When we were figuring out how to bring him on board, given the film’s [modest] budget, he stunned us by cutting down on his fee. He said, ‘Instead of spending on me, let’s spend on the film.’ His staff too slashed their fees.

Sandeep added, We shot the entire [film] in Nagpur, thanks to Bhushan Kumar who believed in us. These kids were handpicked by Nagraj, his brother and his team from Nagpur’s streets. That’s why their body language is so raw.”

'Jhund' is all set to release theatrically on 4th of March.